Steps to Revival

Text:(Ps. 85) INTRO: The Israelites were under heavy chastisement, because of their sins, and therefore in need of revival. Sin is often the cause of spiritual stagnation and misery (c.f. Ps. 31:9, 10; 32: 3,4; Lam. 3:1-20) However, Jn. 3:8. We do our part; the Spirit will do His. I. REMEMBER THE LORD’S PAST FAVOR. (vv.1-3) We have forgotten God. We have been deceived by sin’s pleasures. We thought we would be happier away from God than with him, only to discover that it is not so. So the first step to revival is to shake off sin’s deceitfulness (Heb. 3:13) by recalling God’s goodness (Ps. 34:8) which is so much better than sin’s pleasures. Sin is like John’s scroll in Revelation: sweet in the mouth but bitter to the stomach (Rev. 10:10). That’s what happened to the Prodigal sin: he remembered he was much better off in his father’s house than away from his father (Luke 15:17, 18). So ask yourself: Am I better off now than I was then? II. PRAY FOR REVIVAL (vv. 4-7) Because prayer is power. Spiritual powerlessness is often the result of prayerlessness (Jas. 4:2b). But, A. More specifically, because only the power of God in response to prayer can revive us (Lam. 5:21, KJV; Pr.21:1; Ezek. 36:25-27; 37:1-6) Ps. 110:3; Eph. 1:19-20; Acts 1:8 B. Because, sometimes, the demon is in too deep. (Mark 9: 28-29) Not all spiritual problems are the same. III. RESOLVE TO HEAR GOD’S WORD (v.8a) Spiritual stagnation may also be symptomatic of failing to hear God’s Word (Heb. 5:11). Our hearing is often superficial; the words do not sink deep into our hearts and as a result the words we hear do not change our lives (Mk. 8:17-18; Ezek. 12:1-2; II Tim. 4:2-4). As a result our faith suffers for lack of nourishment (Rom. 10:17). And when faith goes, we are left defenseless against the attacks of the enemy (Eph. 6:16). The solution is, learn to hear God’s Word again for his word is powerful (Isa. 55:10-11; Heb. 4:12). Therefore, let us not despise the Word of God, instead let us listen to it carefully (Mk. 4:25; Heb. 2:1) see also Ps.1.
